Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Adding a new Item to a DropDown using Jquery.

Use any one of the Technique to add an item to a 
drop-down control:

$('#Coupon_Cities').append("<option value="-1">"All Cities"</option>");


$('#Coupon_Cities').append($("<option></option>").val("-1").html("All Cities"));


$('#Coupon_Cities').append(new Option("All Cities", -1));
$("<option value=’-1’>All Cities </option>")

Friday, 14 October 2011

How to display the first letter a big in html / Use of CSS :first-letter Selector

<style type="text/css">

<h1>Welcome to Html-CSS World</h1>
<p>My name is Sudarsan.</p>
<p>I stay at Hyderabad.</p>
<p>I am a developer.</p>



Welcome to Html-CSS World

My name is Sudarsan.
I stay at Hyderabad.
I am a developer.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Writing a LINQ query with Join and Where Condition.

var products = from p in context.Products
               join c in context.Categories on p.CategoryID equals c.ID  
               join b in context.Brands on p.BrandID equals b.ID
               where c.ID==-1 || categoryIDs.Contains(c.ID.ToString()) 
               && b.ID==-1 || brandIDs.Contains(b.ID.ToString())
&& coupon.Cities=="-1" || cityIDs.Contains(cityID.ToString())
               select p.ID.ToString();
Here context is the EntityModelDataContext.categories(Category),brands(Brand),
products(Product) are the tables in the DB.
Note:You can select combination of field from different tables and create a new one as: 
var products = from p in context.Products
               join c in context.Categories on p.CategoryID equals c.ID  
               join b in context.Brands on p.BrandID equals b.ID
               where c.ID==-1 || categoryIDs.Contains(c.ID.ToString())
               && b.ID==-1 || brandIDs.Contains(b.ID.ToString()) 
               && coupon.Cities=="-1" || cityIDs.Contains(cityID.ToString())
               select new { p.ID.ToString(),b.BrandName,p.ProductName;}
Even you can create a new constructor  as select new XYZ() { fields1...,field2....} 
where XYZ is a new Model