Monday, 12 November 2012

Preventing the backbutton not to go to the previous URL when the control is in focus inside a textbox, textarea or radio button in any browser

While developing a website in MVC4, I noticed that when my control is in focus inside a text-box or text-area, which are read only, it is moving to the parent of the current URL. In order to solve it i had written a JQuery below which will prevent the back to the parent URL in any browser and in any web developing programming languages.

    $(document).keydown(function(e) {
        var doPrevent;
        if (e.keyCode == 8) {
            var d = e.srcElement ||;
            if (d.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'INPUT' || d.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'TEXTAREA') {
                doPrevent = d.readOnly || d.disabled;
                doPrevent = true;
            doPrevent = false;

        if (doPrevent)


Monday, 5 November 2012

Issue with the sorting the telerik grid for MVC

While working on telerik grid , I found a peculiar issue in Internet Explorer(IE) browsers. The issue is that on the column bound HeaderTemplate if you are providing a link for sorting purpose and if you used a label inside the link then the link will not work in IE but will work for all other browsers.

Solution: So, while providing the link text for sorting the grid on that column, just be care full that u must not used any label for that link. See below:

The code below will  not work:
column.Bound(m => m.Name).Template(
    <a target="_blank" href="@item.Url">@item.Name</a>
    </text>) .HeaderTemplate(
        @<text><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="t-link"> <label>Name<label> </a>  ---> This will not work

The code below will work:
 column.Bound(m => m.Name).Template(
    <a target="_blank" href="@item.Url">@item.Name</a>
    </text>) .HeaderTemplate(
        @<text><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="t-link"> Name </a>  ---> This will work.


Friday, 2 November 2012

In MVC4 Telerik grid I got an error that telerik.textbox.js not found in the 'Script\telerik.textbox.js'

This is the tricky one, there is no problem in any where but it is throwing the problem because you might have passed some integer value to the column bound in the telerik grid in mvc3/mvc4.

There are two ways to fix it:

Method 1:

  Download the telerik.textbox.js and put in the specified location and it will work fine.

Note: Don't go for this method, since you are adding some more bytes to the  size of the Cod.

 Method 2:

 Just while binding the int value to the grid just convert it into a string. That's all, now your code will work fine
