Thursday, 25 April 2013

Test you Website with different screen resolution and in diferent device

While browsing, today I find out that by providing you website url  below the link helps you to test your site in different resolution.

For Example: I need to test:, so give the URL in the textbox. once you give it will activate the devices resolution

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Searching Records from the Kendo Grid by Date given in the Search Box.

While working on a project I came to an issue in kendo grid i.e to search the Grid records using Date.
Say , I had an accounts list from a bank in which lots of data are displayed including A/C opening date, Last log-in, Last transaction, Last Unsuccessful Log-in and there is a search box that finds the records when the date is given in the search box. But to my dismay it doesn't works for me, after spending a valuable of 1 day of my work , I had got the success.

So here is the image below:

The Code to make your grid work for dates filtration or searching:

In the web page(.html / .cshtml / .jsp etc)
<div id="grid"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function () {
/// This function is called when you start typing in the search textbox. Here Id of search textbox is #search.
    $('#search').keyup(function () {
        clearTimeout($.data(this, 'timer'));
        var wait = setTimeout(searchDataSource, 500);
        $(this).data('timer', wait);


 function searchDataSource() {
        var query = $("#search").val();
        var $filter = [
                       { field: "AccOpenDate", operator: "eq", value: new Date(query) },
                       { field: "LastLogin", operator: "eq", value: new Date(query) },
                       { field: "LastTrans", operator: "eq", value: new Date(query) },
                       { field: "FaliureLogin", operator: "eq", value: new Date(query) }

        if (query.length > 2)  // search only when the no. of character typed is greater than 2
                logic: "or",
                filters: $filter

        } else if (query.length == 0)

 function initGrid() {
        grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
            dataSource: {
                transport: { read: "/Bank/accounts" },
                schema: { data: "Data", total: "Total" },
                pageSize: 30,
                serverPaging: false,
                serverFiltering: false,
                serverSorting: false
            height: gridHeight,
            change: function () {
                var selectedRows =;
                selectedElement = this.dataItem(selectedRows[0]);
                showActionPane(selectedElement.Name != null && selectedElement.Name != "");
            selectable: "single",
            filterable: true,
            sortable: true,
            pageable: true,
            resizable: true,
            columns: [

                { field: "Name", title: "Name", width: 60, template: '<a href="/Account/Details/#=Id#">#=Name#</a>' },
                { field: "Status", title: "Status", width: 50 },
                { field: "AccountType", title: "Account Type", width: 80 },
                { field: "AccOpenDate", title: "A/c Open Date", width: 50, template: '#=(AccOpenDate==null)?"":kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(AccOpenDate,"0:MM/dd/yyyy"),"MM/dd/yyyy") #', filterable: true, format: "{0:M/d/yyyy}", type: "date" },
                { field: "LastLogin", title: "Last Login", width: 50, template: '#=(LastLogin==null)?"":kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(LastLogin,"0:MM/dd/yyyy"),"MM/dd/yyyy") #', filterable: false, format: "{0:M/d/yyyy}", type: "date" },
                { field: "LastTrans", title: "Last Transaction", width: 50, template: '#=(LastTrans==null)?"":kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(LastTrans,"0:MM/dd/yyyy"),"MM/dd/yyyy") #', filterable: false, format: "{0:M/d/yyyy}", type: "date" },
                { field: "FaliureLogin", title: "Unsuccessful Login", width: 50, template: '#=(FaliureLogin==null)?"":kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(FaliureLogin,"0:MM/dd/yyyy"),"MM/dd/yyyy") #', filterable: false, format: "{0:M/d/yyyy}", type: "date" }

Search records by Date through Search Textbox text:  ( here searching the record occurs on all the columns)

Search records by Date through filter Button: ( here searching the record which has opened on 04/04/2013. So two records where as in the above it is searching all the columns having 04/04/2013. so three records. 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

How to count the number of check-box checked on a particular condition from a table using Jquery

Scenario: Assume that a table has data from a cricket team with details such as ID , Name, Role , Age ,City, Average. SO you need to calculate how many bowlers you have selected from the table, total no. of players selected and their average age.

Similarly, if batsman age or count is required then simply change the value of Contains to "Batsman" from the above code.

Happy Coding!

How to check all the check box when All check-box is checked and uncheck All check-box, if one of the check-box from the group is unchecked

<form name="frmChkForm" id="frmChkForm">
<input type="checkbox" name="chkcc9" id="chkAll">Check Me
<input type="checkbox" name="Bowler" class="chkGroup">Bowler
<input type="checkbox" name="Batsman" class="chkGroup">Batsman
<input type="checkbox" name="AllRounder" class="chkGroup">AllRounder

$("#chkAll").click(function() {
   $(".chkGroup").attr("checked", this.checked);

With added functionality to ensure the check all checkbox gets checked/dechecked if all individual checkboxes are checked:

$(".chkGroup").click(function() {
  $("#chkAll")[0].checked = $(".chkGroup:checked").length == $(".chkGroup").length;

Happy Coding!

Blank out a form/ reset a form with jQuery

First method:
<form id="form">
<input type="text" value="Here is some data" id="data" />
<input type="button" value="Clear Input" id="button" />

       $(':input','#form').not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden').val('').removeAttr('checked,selected');

Second method:
function clearForms()
  var i;
  for (i = 0; (i < document.forms.length); i++) {

Happy Coding!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Ajax method of calling Action method of a controller:

I need to call a action method in order to save the uploaded image file using Jquery or the Ajax method. So below is the code for it.

"/Image/UploadTest", // Image is the controller & UploadTest is Action Method

           type: "POST",
           data: $("#frmTest"
).serialize(),   // Here provide the form Id
false,                      // Don't keep the cache
function () {  // This Executes before calling the Ajax Request
"#uploadProgress").show();   // Here I am showing Uploader image
function () {
"#uploadProgress").html("Upload completed"); 

                // Executes on Ajax request complete
function (msg) {

if (msg == "ok")
"#uploadProgress").hide();  // hiding the uploader image on successs
"Error while uploading");


Reading a CSV file with Linq

A simple single line of code  to read the CSV file in Linq:

rawFile = (from line in File.ReadAllLines(fileName).AsParallel()
            select line.Split(',')).ToList();

Happy Coding!

Kendo Grid with Search Functionality

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
  <div id="grid"></div>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
  dataSource:[ {
      foo: "Foo 1",
      bar: "Bar 1"
    } , {
      foo: "Foo 2",
      bar: "Bar 2"
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
$("<tr><th class='k-header' data-field='foo'><input /></th><th data-field='bar' class='k-header' ><input /></th></tr>").appendTo($("#grid thead")).find("input").keyup(function() {
    operator: "contains",
    value: $(this).val(),
    field: $(this).parent("th").data("field")
Happy Coding!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Kendo UI Grid Page size showing NaN of NaN.

In kendo grid, sometimes you will get the page size of the grid as NaN  of NaN.

The reason behind it was that the kendo grid is telling that the page size is not define, although you have define it and on clicking the page size or selected page the NaN of NaN goes.

To fix the above solution , just redefine the page-size in the dataSource and the above issue will go.

Happy Coding!

Kendo Grid- Binding the JSON Data after getting response from the Ajax Call.

In Kendo UI while you are getting the data as a JSON object  and you want to bind into a grid, so follow the method below :
<script type= "text/javascript">
function( )
     InitializeGrid( );

 function InitializeGrid() {
            async: false,
            type: "POST",
            url: "/Employee/GetEmployeeByFilter",
            data: $('#frmSearch').serialize(),
        }).success(function (result) {
            grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
                dataSource: { data: result.Data, total: result.Total, pageSize: 30 },
                schema: { data: "Data", total: "Total" },
                type: "POST",
                serverPaging: false,
                serverFiltering: false,
                serverSorting: false,
                height: gridHeight,
                toolbar: kendo.template($("#template").html()),
                change: function () {
                    var selectedRows =;
                    selectedElement = this.dataItem(selectedRows[0]);
                selectable: "single",
                filterable: true,
                sortable: true,
                pageable: true,
                resizable: true,
                columns: [
                    { field: "Name", title: "Name", width: 65 },
                    { field: "Emp_No", title: "Emp No", type: 'string', width: 62 },
                    { field: "Salary", title: "Salary", type: 'string', width: 78 },


<div id="EmployeeReport">
    <h1 id="employeeReport">EmployeeReport</h1>
    <div id="grid"></div>

In the controller side:

   public ActionResult GetEmployeeByFilter( Receive the Parameters from the client side )
                // Do the processing......
                return Json(new { Data =List of object you want to Pass to client side,
                                           Total = List's Count }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Happy coding!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Kendo UI Sorting Date field in a grid having empty spaces and dates

Today i came to an issue that the date field are not sorted properly in the kendo grid if it has empty or Null spaces in it. the sorting occurs fine for descending order but fails when it is ascending order.

To fix the above issue a small trick will work for it. Just use this line of code in the grid filtration.

{field: "DateJoined", title: "Deployed", width: 50, template: '#=(DateJoined==null)?"":kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(DateJoined,"MM/dd/yyyy"),"MM/dd/yyyy") #', format: "{0:M/d/yyyy}", type: "date" },

Happy coding!

How to fix the non-breaking of a sentence in HTML which has a hyphen(-) in it ?

Some times if you provide data inside a span or a column as :, you will notice that in IE it will be displayed as :
To fix the above issue, i will provide you two solutions.

Solution -1: Use <nobr> Tag

You can use <nobr> tag to represent your data as <nobr></nobr>

Solution -2: Use CSS

You can use CSS to fix the above issue as:

<span style="white-space: nowrap;"></span>
